To return a comma separated list of employees in each department we use the LISTAGG Analytical Function as below.
SELECT department_id, LISTAGG(First_Name,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY First_Name)
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
ORDER BY department_id;
Department Id | Employees |
10 | Jennifer |
20 | Michael,Pat |
30 | Alexander,Den,Guy,Karen,Shelli,Sigal |
40 | Susan |
50 | Adam,Alana,Alexis,Anthony,Britney,Curtis,Donald,Douglas, Girard,Hazel,Irene,James,James,Jason,Jean,Jennifer,John, Joshua,Julia,Julia,Kelly,Kevin,Kevin,Ki,Laura,Martha, Matthew,Michael,Mozhe,Nandita,Payam,Peter,Randall,Randall, Renske,Samuel,Sarah,Shanta,Stephen,Steven,TJ, Timothy,Trenna,Vance,Winston |
60 | Alexander,Bruce,David,Diana,Valli |
70 | Hermann |
80 | Alberto,Allan,Alyssa,Amit,Charles,Christopher,Clara, Danielle,David,David,Eleni,Elizabeth,Ellen,Gerald,Harrison, Jack,Janette,John,Jonathon,Karen,Lindsey,Lisa,Louise,Mattea, Nanette,Oliver,Patrick,Peter,Peter,Sarath,Sundar,Sundita,Tayler, William |
90 | Lex,Neena,Steven |
100 | Daniel,Ismael,John,Jose Manuel,Luis,Nancy |
110 | Shelley,William |
| Kimberely |
In the results we see some duplicates, if we want to remove the duplicates then we use the distinct keyword as below.
SELECT department_id
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id
ORDER BY department_id;
Department Id | Employees |
10 | Jennifer |
20 | Michael,Pat |
30 | Alexander,Den,Guy,Karen,Shelli,Sigal |
40 | Susan |
50 | Adam,Alana,Alexis,Anthony,Britney,Curtis,Donald, Douglas,Girard,Hazel,Irene,James,Jason,Jean,Jennifer, John,Joshua,Julia,Kelly,Kevin,Ki,Laura, Martha,Matthew,Michael,Mozhe,Nandita, Payam,Peter,Randall,Renske, Samuel,Sarah,Shanta,Stephen,Steven,TJ,Timothy, Trenna,Vance,Winston |
60 | Alexander,Bruce,David,Diana,Valli |
70 | Hermann |
80 | Alberto,Allan,Alyssa,Amit,Charles,Christopher, Clara,Danielle,David,Eleni, Elizabeth,Ellen,Gerald,Harrison,Jack,Janette, John,Jonathon,Karen,Lindsey, Lisa,Louise,Mattea,Nanette,Oliver,Patrick,Peter, Sarath,Sundar,Sundita,Tayler, William |
90 | Lex,Neena,Steven |
100 | Daniel,Ismael,John,Jose Manuel,Luis,Nancy |
110 | Shelley,William |
| Kimberely |
There is another way to do this in Oracle 21c
SELECT department_name,
CURSOR(SELECT salary, commission_pct
FROM employees e
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id)
FROM departments d
ORDER BY department_name